Poz gay videos blogspot

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(Settle your stomachs, folks, ’cause this one should be approached with caution.)Īs noted on the blogs of porno pundit Mike South and Str8 Up Gay Porn, Viral Loads, which stars Derek Parker, Drew Sebastian, Blue Bailey, Dayton O’Connor and Logan Stevens, includes a scene that sees said performers among those ejaculating into a lidded, glass receptacle emblazoned with a curious label: “poz cum.” Now, it must be said that not all men spunking into the jar have declared themselves HIV-positive, but most have and the scenario leaves little untarnished by the infection-focused plot (as it were).

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But now gay porn studio Treasure Island Media has delved to an all-new industry-wide low with the announcement of upcoming bareback feature Viral Loads.

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IntelliSmut – Smart Erotica & Porn ReviewsĪdult entertainment depicting sex between men has long flirted with the horribly depressing state of HIV infection by writing “poz” characters into scenes to ratchet up the already steaming tension of an illicit encounter.

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